Exterior Painting

Select Painting has over 10 years of experience painting exterior homes in Sioux Falls and surrounding areas.

Select Painting is a trusted company with more than 17 years of experience painting homes in Sioux Falls and has completed over 6000 painting projects since 2005.

Our focus on delivering top-notch work that lasts long, is achieved by dedicating enough time to prepare the house and applying the final touches meticulously.

Before we paint a house, we start by power-washing it to make sure the surface is clean and ready to be painted. Next, we carefully inspect each home to determine if any scraping, sanding, or caulking is necessary before applying the paint. This step ensures that the paint will adhere properly and that the final result will be long-lasting and beautiful.

Our thorough process guarantees that your home will be professionally painted with attention to detail and quality.

Get your free exterior painting estimate in just 7 days or less!

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